Planning and development of economic and business stories, production and editing of texts on relevant issues, preparation of texts for transmission for publication in regional editions;
Monitoring of news flows and selection of stories suitable for the publication’s format;
Assurance of an uninterrupted flow of content (standalone articles and “content packages”, i.e. articles with background data, infographics, illustrations, video, etc. produced in collaboration with the photo and multimedia department) reflecting principal trends in today’s Russia;
Preparation of texts in case of urgent news;
Recruitment of new authors, development of a pool of regular suppliers of “general editorial content”, distribution of assignments among authors;
Coordination of activities of regional web editors working on relevant stories;
Contribution to the work of RBTH websites for traffic improvement (suggestions on subjects, sections, new forms, collaboration with website editors, monitoring of updates, etc.);
Organization and participation in meetings, roundtables, seminars and other professional events.
University Degree (journalism or philology); English proficiency – written, oral; At least 3 years of work experience in the position of economics and business editor; Ability to work with strict deadlines; Good computer user skills; Personal qualities: determination, responsibility, diligence, proactivity.Contact information: