Surgut resident Igor Lazarev posted a video on YouTube in which he is eating an Eskimo ice cream bar and swinging on a swing set. In the comments, people note that the ice cream must be warmer then the air outside, because it was kept in a freezer with a temperature around 0 Celsius.
Video by YouTube
In the another video, Surgut residents recorded a woman riding her bicycle.
Video by YouTube
By the way, she’s not the only cyclist in the city.
Фото опубликовано Trucks & Cars in the Arctic (@arcticdrive) Дек 23 2016 в 12:22 PST
How to dress better during the cold weather?
Видео опубликовано Оксанка???? (@oksana8899) Дек 22 2016 в 10:09 PST
“-51 Celsius. And it’s fine, we are walking.”
Фото опубликовано Oliver Punk (@kaya_op) Дек 22 2016 в 6:29 PST
Видео опубликовано Veronika Denisova (@meverony) Дек 22 2016 в 4:52 PST
Фото опубликовано Олеся ? (@simakovales) Дек 22 2016 в 11:16 PST
According to weather forecasts, it will warm up over the weekend to – 40C (-40F), and then to -20C (-4F).